8 - Deception / Manipulation

  • To stop being subject of manipulation, deception and dishonest schemes

  • To become able to differentiate between truth and deception

  • To find ever expanding truth in our life


    Manipulation and deception challenge us from Stage 1 to 9

    This challenge manifests in different intensities
    depending on the stage we focus on:
  • STAGE 1         - Totally misleading

  • STAGE 2 to 4 - Partially misleading

  • STAGE 5 to 8 - Restricting our scope of life

  • STAGE 9         - Subtle


This challenge is not about 'honesty' or 'always tell the truth' as we were told by our parents. This challenge is about activating a deep hidden ability that makes us find our way out of the all-pervasive deception and manipulation that surrounds us pretty much wherever we are.


State of Deception

[Zur Übersicht]
Being born in this particular day and age subjects us to massive and wholesale deception and manipulation. This affects us directly, but in a much bigger way subconsciously.

  • Much of what our parents told us, they received by word of mouth from their parents, which again came from their grandparents and so on, without anyone ever checking if it was true. We got imprinted with these advices, opinions, prejudices etc. when we were very young and impressionable. Many of our present opinions, behavior and fixations go back to this early programming.

        And even if we did the exact opposite of what our parents told us, we only reversed polarity, but didn't create our own individual path.

        Example: Many parents convey to their children that people of different skin-color, language, faith, nationality, fashion of dress, eating habits, - those living in other countries or continents, with less money, lesser paid jobs, less freedom etc., also have less worth. When we observe tourists in other - exotic - countries, we know this to be true.

  • Much what we were taught in school has long been disproven, but still schoolbooks get reprinted with all their ancient mistakes.

  • Everything governments tell us intends to keep us quiet, never to make us well-informed. Political spin, disinformation, propaganda, outright lies, - entire nations get brutally destroyed by this intentional deception.

        And politicians only want (re-)election, they'd never tell us an uncomfortable truth.

  • Most of what the media show us is highly selective, manipulative, over-dramatized, and has no other purpose than make us buy products we don't need.

All this and much more embeds us in a sea of deception. Subjected to much outright, persistent manipulation we lack a lifeline to find truth.

    But the problem runs even deeper. Getting clarity about material factors is often merely a matter of research and asking pestering questions.

    Yet once we start venturing into new (higher) dimensions, we are in uncharted territory. Any prejudice, opinion and cherished, but flawed belief may make us waste time and energy on cumbersome detours.

    It's easy to find examples: The widespread belief that spiritual techniques would make us grow, - the conviction that gurus, priests, holy persons etc. are able to enlighten us, and that it's just a matter of finding (and paying) the right one to do exactly this, - the idea that certain places would be conducive to inner progress, and that we just need to sit on one of these magic spots (stone-cycles, ancient temples, enchanted mountains, vortices etc.) to get enlightened without much effort, -

    - all this does nothing to make us expand.


How to Find the Red Line

[Zur Übersicht]
How to find orientation in the infinite opportunities and paths life spreads before us? How to find that one red line leading from our present state to ever expanding dimensions, insights, abilities, sovereignty and happiness?

    External information from books or teachers can't do this job. Even books like this one can only sketch the blueprint, the schematics, the mechanisms of progress. Great care was taken not to pre-program a particular path so you may shape your way in your very own individual fashion, yet this book can only outline where and how you'll find it yourself.

    And furthermore, - with everything we take from external sources there's always the chance of error or misunderstanding, even if it happens unwittingly.

    Where and how to find truth? - And how to recognize and act on it once we are face to face with it?

    We find truth when we begin to 'see' with the eyes of our intuition, - when we reactivate our inner incorruptible sense of what is true and what is not. That's our only reliable guide.

    But this ability doesn't rise automatically, or without real effort, or without altering essential behavior and ideas what life is all about. To break from blanket deception and manipulation we need to grow beyond it. We find our inner red line only if we really desire expansion.

    The deep longing

  • to find the truth about ourselves - why we have life, and what we're supposed to do with it -
  • to become greater than we are now -
  • to see dormant abilities become reality for us -

- all this has to be there at the start. Without it, we'll continue drifting blindly, led by blind men who only pretend to know.

    Yet we already know our red line well, it guided us many times before. - It's the excitement for a new path of action, - the thrill of being close to that one special person, - a sudden insight how a particular situation works, - the clear notion that life intensifies if we pursue one certain goal. Exactly this is where our red line starts.

    If we decide to follow it, we'll expand.

    At first not every intuitive insight is precise. We need to train this skill to make it accurate. Failures and successes make us hone in to ever subtler and more detailed insights. Initial setbacks shouldn't dishearten us.

    No-one can save us from this learning process; - no-one can do it for us; - no-one can magically bestow this skill; - and no amount of theoretical musing will ever replace direct experience. This is something we only can do on our own.

    In the end we recognize deception as clearly as if perceiving material objects. And we'll see what challenges we need to meet, neutralize and grow by, - the obstacles to be dispelled, and how much energy this takes, - we sense the magnificent being within us with ever greater clarity, - and use these precious insights confidently to orient our life.

    Nothing will ever guide us as precisely and impartially as this inner sense.


How to Enhance Intuition

[Zur Übersicht]

Eliminating Self-Deception

We enhance intuition when we stop deceiving OURSELVES.

  • Many things we want to see in a particular way, or like to believe that they should work a certain way - though reality is totally different.

        Identify these irrational beliefs - and discard them.

        This also means to change your life accordingly.

        Example: We may want to believe that medicine cures all sickness. In reality we only retain our health if we treat our body well and watch what we put into it. - A smoker trying to cure his cough with pills while continuing to smoke, never addresses the root-problem.

  • In many areas we pretend to be greater than we really are.

        Become aware how YOU want OTHERS to see YOU  - then check impartially whether you fulfill this inner picture or if there is a discrepancy.

        Everything we hide and all our pretenses others see far clearer than we think. We cannot fool this perception of others except for a very short time.

        To enhance our intuition we either can become what we'd really like to be, - or scale down the propaganda. Both methods work equally well for this purpose.

        What doesn't work is maintaining our pretense.

        Practical Tip: To find out how others see us, just look at yourself from behind - the one view we never see in a mirror. But that's how everyone else perceives us half the time. - And don't be too shocked.

  • Identify comfortable, but flawed general opinions  you express only because you don't want to upset your social consensus and position, - then stop voicing them.

        Example: Paying health insurance safeguards health is quite a common belief. - In actuality only we can protect our health by taking care not to get sick.

Ceasing All Manipulation

We enhance intuition when we stop manipulating OTHERS.

    Manipulation creates an aura around us that makes us target of this kind of behavior. If we attempt deception, this inevitably comes back to us with similar intensity, similar results and in as inconvenient a time, - even if we were unsuccessful.

    Deception of ours produces further negative effects:

  • Whoever manipulates loses his ability to discriminate between right and wrong.
  • We become unable to discern what action leads to success and satisfaction. - Decisions of ours lead us astray and make us waste energy on pointless projects.
  • It keeps us in the illusion that certain - ineffective - actions would be supportive for our growth.
  • It produces inability to perform or complete activities.

    Others detest manipulation as much as we do. Relinquishing this intention makes us intuitively recognize all such attempts, which keeps us clear of their negative effects. This opens our life for more subtle perceptions.

Desiring Reality

We enhance intuition when we want to see what's REAL in our life.

    Deep DESIRE for truth stimulates an inner perception that alerts us to manipulation and deceit, even if it originates WITHIN US. It makes us aware of deeply hidden inclinations, bias and prejudices that influence us subconsciously.

    When we pursue this longing for truth, we recognize with ever increasing clarity who we truly are and why we really want to experience this world.

        This challenge is about reactivating an archaic
        inner sense how to intuitively find our way to
        greater dimensions, the knowledge of which
        was lost millennia ago.


Deception Influences Us In Different Intensities - Depending on the Stage We Currently Focus On

[Zur Übersicht]

In  STAGE  1

this challenge influences us with all its overpowering strength. Here deception may lead us totally astray.

    In STAGE 1 we ignore or suppress truth if it inconveniences us - while at the same time complaining when others cheat us.

    As long as we manipulate and deceive, we program further - active as well as passive - experiences of similar intensity for our life. Deception, the inability to distinguish between truth and lies, and failure to recognize the red line to higher states remain a theme of our life for as long as we don't stop this mechanism within us.

    This challenge starts to get fundamentally neutralized when we shift focus to STAGE 4.

In  STAGE  2  to  4
a yearning for truth, for genuine, solid information, for clear perception how to reach real insight begins to take hold of us. Our search for deeper knowledge begins.

From  STAGE  5  to  8
we perceive truth as a red line leading from disorientation towards ever increasing freedom and sovereignty. We stop disseminating rumors, misleading information and vague statements, because we recognize that this leads others - and in return us again - astray.

    We realize that living and communicating truth creates an aura of clarity around us that makes us intuitively select from the many alternatives of daily life our individual, optimal path of expansion.

In  STAGE  9
we become aware that even our most subtle egoistic impulses influence others and disturb their natural flow of insight. Yet at this stage we easily identify and neutralize any manifestation of this challenge.

    Up until STAGE 9
we see our red line as a 'rope' along which we climb hand over hand towards higher dimensions. In troubled times we hold fast onto that support like to a lifesaver.

    From STAGE 9 onward the true breadth and majesty of our inner being begins to reveal itself. We sense immense bliss, greatness, knowledge nearby. From now on our life unfolds through inspiration, which leads us to ever more fascinating dimensions.


Practical Tips

[Zur Übersicht]


  • Truth carries immense power. The higher a truth we express, the greater energy it carries, the more effect it has.

  • Communicating truth inspires others to trust us in return. - It also stimulates them to offer us knowledge - without us needing to ask for it.

  • We perceive the statements of others with the same clarity we send out. Yet this does not mean that we are obliged to always voice our opinion.

  • Intention to deceive shows clearly in the face. Anyone who only dares to look will recognize it.

  • And then there are those who elaborately try to convince us that this path can't possibly succeed.

        Yet this is merely another attempt at manipulating us. Our unusual views and actions remind these people of their own inner abilities - and of the fact that they let them run idle. To conceal this they intend to discourage all further progress in this direction.

        Discard this kind of 'advice'. Neither have these people seriously investigated this path, nor have they experienced it well enough to state an opinion. They only voice deep-rooted prejudices to force us back into the narrow life they deem comfortable.

  • Allow intuition to excite you with the path it sees. The more you cooperate with it, the more it fascinates you.

Next: - CHALLENGE  9 - Fear / Worry / Boredom / Insecurity

Hermann Kuhn
'Unlimited Horizons'

Copyright 2008 Crosswind Publishing, Wunstorf, Germany

Available in pdf-format at DOWNLOADS
