
We are waiting for someone or something - preferably of supernatural origin - to tell us when to start growing.

    Or we feel all alone with the idea of inner expansion, - none of our friends or family respond to this theme. So we hesitate to start all by ourselves and keep on delaying infinitely.

    Yet there's no starting gun, and there NEVER will be one for as long as we decide to keep up our waiting mode.

    There is a simple reason: - As long as we maintain this mood, we ignore each and every sign an abundant nature presents us permanently. As long as we decide to wait, WE completely block our ability to recognize these signs. And no-one can possibly reverse this - our - decision - except we ourselves.

Changed attitude:
Start now! - Decide to get out of your waiting mode and start growing NOW - TODAY !

    And if nobody accompanies you, - then go ahead alone, even if it feels lonely at the beginning. After some time those also on this path will recognize you, - and become friends for life.

Practical Tip:
And if you don't know what to do? -

    - Then start by making a list of everything you'd like to do or to become. Define that colorful part of yourself you haven't manifested yet. Note down your aspirations, hopes, fantasies, ideals, dreams, everything that comes to your mind, even if it seems utterly absurd and doesn't lead into a spiritual direction. Make this list NOW !

    Then DO whatever is necessary to playfully realize all these ideas, desires, fantasies and aspirations. - Become all you always really wanted to be !

    This gets you out of any kind of waiting once and for all.

Next: - Dead-Sure Investment

Hermann Kuhn
'Unlimited Horizons'

Copyright 2008 Crosswind Publishing, Wunstorf, Germany

Available in pdf-format at DOWNLOADS
