No Supernatural Powers

Disappointment Because We Fail to Gain Supernatural Powers

Supernatural powers are highly overrated. They are more an impediment to growth than furthering it.
  • Being able to see future, past and potential of everyone around us is rather depressing. It mainly reveals the immense inner and outer restrictions so many people inadvertently subject themselves to.
  • Being able to see what's in other peoples' mind is mostly so dull and uninspiring that we'd rather not look - lest it infects us too.
  • Being able to walk through walls puts us at odds with privacy. As we wouldn't like other people to emerge from of our walls, as little would they like us to suddenly appear in their rooms.
  • Being able to levitate makes us a circus-attraction rather than superman. Levitation is highly unpractical for long distance travel. (Just picture yourself - suitcase in one hand, umbrella in the other - hovering across the Atlantic three feet above the water ...)
  • Telepathy is highly effective for transmitting complex contents in shortest possible time.

        Yet hardly anyone knows that telepathy requires a willing recipient as much as a sender. Currently few people are able to raise and maintain the energy systematic communication of this type requires.

    Supernatural powers are fun and thrilling as long as we only pretend to have them to impress others. We bask in their adoration without also perceiving the jealousy, gullibility and simplemindedness hiding behind their smiling faces.

    Demonstrating supernatural powers publicly makes others first take you for a conjurer. Then a media blitz showers you with the attention of people whose focus you really do not want. And then too easily you might get classified as freak.

    All this diverts us completely from expansion - apart from being pointless. - What could this possibly accomplish?

    If supernatural powers really dawn within us, they soon transform into a natural feature of our life. And - we'll notice fast that being able to switch them off at will becomes far more important than exercising them.

Changed attitude:

  • Supernatural powers are never a yardstick of growth.
  • Real expansion may or may not manifest these powers, yet is entirely independent of their occurrence.
  • Trying to attain them diverts energy towards irrelevant areas.
  • Using these powers to impress others is pointless.
  • If super-natural abilities dawn within you, regard it as a side-effect and keep on growing into higher regions.

Practical Tip:
Using these abilities to stimulate the desire for growth in others almost never produces the desired effect. They forever will ask you to repeat your 'little miracles', but never take this as incentive to expand their own inner abilities.

Next: - HOW TO DISSOLVE OBSTACLES  -  Aimless Actionism

Hermann Kuhn
'Unlimited Horizons'

Copyright 2008 Crosswind Publishing, Wunstorf, Germany

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