Lack of Knowledge

Lack of Knowledge, Ignorance

We feel we have too little knowledge to really experience higher levels.
    Yet this feeling is wrong !

    At any time and at any place
we are surrounded by an abundance of factors that can make us aware of the immense wisdom dormant within us. We already use this treasure extensively, but mostly in an unaware fashion.

access to this treasure-trove opens when we progress on the path itself, - never through mere book-reading or any kind of preliminary training that only moves our start further and further into the future and carries the danger of losing ourselves in endless, superfluous preparation.

Changed attitude:

is THE ONLY key to ALL REAL insights.

The path to ultimate freedom exists - but only to the extent WE OURSELVES begin with it.

Next: - HOW TO DISSOLVE OBSTACLES  -  Spiritual Communism

Hermann Kuhn
'Unlimited Horizons'

Copyright 2008 Crosswind Publishing, Wunstorf, Germany

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