Vanity of Learnedness

Vanity Because of 'Great' Learning

It's easy to identify this type of pomposity if it confronts us directly. Yet its subconscious, indirect influence is much harder to detect as it considerably reduces our enthusiasm to access higher regions.

Direct -
Everyone who uses formal knowledge to impress others totally misunderstands the real function of knowledge.

    Knowledge we actively use to expand our range of experience quickly becomes a natural part of our life. The more we employ it to evaluate and change our attitudes and activities, the faster it transforms into genuine insight that soon ceases to be new or special and usually also does not give cause for vanity or arrogance.

this natural integration knowledge remains foreign and separate to us. Persons thirsting for high social status tend to display this formal, dead knowledge with vanity and in arrogant disdain for the 'less learned'. Convinced of their 'superiority' they define 'knowledge' as the stiff data they accumulated - and with this totally block their own ability to comprehend it.

    Their fellow people easily recognize this vanity for what it really is - a flaw of personality, - but unfortunately still get negatively influenced in a subconscious way:

Indirect -

Though we see through the game of the 'learned ones', we subconsciously equate 'knowledge' with the stagnancy and boredom these people emanate.

    We associate 'learning' with their pathetic and arrogant behavior and do not want similar attitudes to breed within us. This easily programs us against any kind of learning after we quit school, college or vocational training; - an entirely unnecessary blockage that often kills all our thirst for genuine insight and our natural enthusiasm for expansion.

Changed attitude:
Ignore those who display vanity because of their supposed 'great learning' - no matter how high their status.

    The data they memorized is dead. It does not further inner growth - neither within them, nor within you. Don't invest your life's precious time and energy only to experience the same stagnancy in the end.

    Those of real wisdom and insight communicate it without disdain or arrogance.

Next: - HOW TO DISSOLVE OBSTACLES  -  Lack of Knowledge

Hermann Kuhn
'Unlimited Horizons'

Copyright 2008 Crosswind Publishing, Wunstorf, Germany

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