Craving For Stability

It is not a primary purpose of reality to stabilize material circumstances that may accompany our actions. On the contrary - reality incessantly confronts us with ever new experiences to make us grow out of limiting conditions and ideas.

    Any stability we laboriously achieved inevitably will break up, - latest when we leave our present bodily form.

Changed attitude:
Accept that reality (your life) is working this way. Direct attention and energy towards the growth-process - instead of scrambling for an illusionary, fleeting constancy in your material environment. Interpret inner and outer change as an alignment towards something fresh and new, even if these changes feel strange at first.

Practical Tip:
We do not reach emotional stability by creating a sheltered material environment. As long as we still experience emotional storms, we will always destroy any outward stability, or die a slow - emotional - death in its boredom and stagnancy.
    The mechanism works exactly the other way round !

    Once our emotions are stable, we take all that surrounds us and everything we experience as essential for our expansion. No matter how much and how often reality disrupts a settled (stagnant) state of ours, - once we recognize the power of growth behind it, we'll heartily welcome it whenever it happens.

    Emotional stability dawns automatically as we shift focus to higher - more sovereign, emotionally less chaotic - stages.

Next: - HOW TO DISSOLVE OBSTACLES  -  Sitting on Soft Cushions

Hermann Kuhn
'Unlimited Horizons'

Copyright 2008 Crosswind Publishing, Wunstorf, Germany

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