Rejecting Help

Unwillingness to accept necessary help, or to ask for support

Certainly - while wheeling and dealing in the material sphere we didn't need help, or paid for it. Sure. -

    But now that we are growing out of this sphere, there are mightier laws than money and pride in self-made wealth and elbowing our way.

    Shift focus!

The purpose of human beings is
to assist each other

    We all are vital parts of a huge network of mutual support we hardly ever are aware of. As webase our life on the abilities of others, - (we didn't build from scratch the house we live in, the chair we sit on, the food we eat, the skills we learned) - so do others rely on ourtalents for shaping theirexistence.

    It's a give and take that's always perfectly balanced, even if we doubt this at times.

Changed attitude:

So don't upset this precious balance by rejecting crucial assistance. Don't block the force of your expansion only because of pride in a supposed 'self-sufficiency'.

inner growth inspires others as much as it excites you. Keep up this inspiration with any proper means available now, - even if this means asking for and accepting help.

Next: - HOW TO DISSOLVE OBSTACLES  -  Failure to Obtain Help

Hermann Kuhn
'Unlimited Horizons'

Copyright 2008 Crosswind Publishing, Wunstorf, Germany

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