General Practical Tips

Since dissolving challenges is a highly individual process, it is impossible to list each and every situation that may occur. Yet it is possible to group those themes of life that handle in a similar way.

    Take the above as suggestions and ideas how to design your own path. And - as perplexing as the listed suggestions may appear to you at first reading, - they all proved highly effective in application.


Practical Tips


  • Life is not designed to make us happy,
        - nor is it designed to make us unhappy,
        - nor is it supposed to present us a balanced version of these two poles.

    Life and reality are designed  TO
    REACT  to what we invest in it.

    Life and reality are designed to make us experience how our ideas, our concepts and our energy look in physical form.

        It pays to be creative in this process.

  • Only reading about higher levels can't tell us how they really feel like.

  • We access higher stages by sudden insight, which arises automatically once the themes of the lower level ? temporarily or permanently - cease to hold our attention.

        Sudden insights arise because challenges are not active all the time. This can be compared to an overcast sky where the clouds suddenly open up to reveal the sky beyond the cloud-ceiling. Something similar may happen anytime during periods of 'quietness', when no challenges engage our attention and our mind thus spontaneously shifts focus to a higher stage.

        How long these sudden insights last depends on how intensely the higher stage fascinates us, - and how fast our emotions draw us back to the themes of the stage we came from.

        Even if we lose our insight only a short time later, it still anchors us in the higher stage ? we now know how it feels like, - we get an orientation where we are heading, - and we receive plenty of motivation to start moving.

        To stabilize our insights we only need to neutralize the remaining unsolved challenges of the lower level. Once this is completed, our focus automatically shifts to the higher stage.

  • There exists no special activity with which to shift our awareness directly and stably to higher levels - neither praying, repeating magical mantras, yoga-exercises, visiting holy places, drugs etc. can ever achieve that.

        Effective are only actions that neutralize the challenges of our current level. This enables our attraction to detach from this (lower) stage. The shift to higher stages then happens automatically.

  • We do have the right and the ability to change situations we don't agree with - irrespective of how strongly others object to it or what they do to frustrate our efforts.

        The crucial step in this process takes place in our awareness. Others are unable to influence this inner, highly private plane - unless we empower them to do so.

  • We do have the power to change everything in our life into anything we prefer - at any time we want. Our future becomes an unaltered continuation of our past only if we don't choose new paths.

  • Each challenge requires a different approach for neutralizing it.

  • When we are through with the challenges of one stage, the next stage automatically opens up - in the same natural way as we advanced from toddler to playing-pen, to school, adolescence and grown-up.

  • Once we understand how this game works, we can considerably shorten the time necessary to experience and dissolve a particular challenge.

        This is what we have our intelligence for: To identify what challenges manifest in our life, how they work and then to interact with them in such a way that they get neutralized in shortest possible time.

Next: - Obstacles

Hermann Kuhn
'Unlimited Horizons'

Copyright 2008 Crosswind Publishing, Wunstorf, Germany

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